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Overview of IQ Research and Gaming

Things that positively influence IQ are the following:
Learning New Skills
Consume Coffee and Tea(dark chocolate, but may throw off a diet)
Consume Turmeric(research is still unsure about this one)
Balanced Diet
Caloric Restriction(but not too extreme, less calories, not less protein or minerals)
Play First Person Shooters increases visual attention, and possibly speed of processing
Listen to Fast Paced Classical Music, or Fast Rich Modern Music- May help speed of processing or memory
Learn to Play Music
Learn a second language
Learn to program(helps with formal logic)
Read fiction and non fiction books
Write by hand
Sleep, sleep is needed for health
Take Time for Breaks
Relax and Wonder or Dwell on Topics
Dual-n-Back may improve memory
Real-Time-Strategy games help develop executive ability
Turn-Based-Strategy may help executive ability
Stay Physically and Mentally Active
Use a map, do things the hard way, do not let gps do it all
Consume Red Wine in Small Amounts(do not start drinking if you don't already)
Learn a new subject or project
Art 3D and 2D may be helpful

List grows more and more every day. Join us on irc if you have any questions.