Education Research
Research has been conducted on education and training of personnel. This is a collection of the best methods.
Spacing Effect: Testing or reviewing information all at once is not the best method. The best way to learn a subject and review it is in short sessions spaced. The leitner flash card system which reviews cards that are known less often work well. Automated versions exist such as Anki and Supermemo.
Multiple Choice or free recall: Full recall from filling in the blank is better than recognizing the correct answer.
Class Time: Classes should be shortened to 30minutes each and cover one skill or lesson a day. The actual teaching part should be limited in minutes to the age of a person in years. Any remaining time should be used for homework.
Homework is not as useful as spaced flash cards.
Questions over assignments should be asked by the student reading the text: Does this make sense? What do I know that agrees with this? What is it opposite to? What else does it mean? Questioning information and checking it against other known information makes it memorable.
Highlighting does not work very well, instead writing outlines of information, and writing about it is much better. If not write about it, discuss it, argue about it.
Reading in two ways: Read the text first by skimming key words to get an overview, then read it slowly the second time.
Take notes by hand: writing notes by hand uses more effort. It is better than typing notes.
Writing information repeatedly: Re writing your notes, and cleaning them up, adding additional information, can help significantly.
Test, and exam based classes are better than assignment based.
History is best about what century something takes place, and what caused it to happen, focus on people on days.
Teaching a subject is a really good way to learn more about it, but do not use students teaching as a substitute for teaching.
The best color for walls in a class room is white or beige.
Students can be taught one on one, the best way. Or in small class sizes. Internet is really good for having visual and sound material.
Generally discipline is necessary, and good role models. Do not allow majority rule.