NLP Techniques Overview
Mirroring and Matching: essentially it builds rapport, by copying body language, positions, and movements of the person to be persuaded. Essentially it is nonverbal matching, best done in a way that is not obvious, such as tapping a foot at the same rate as the persons finger tapping. It is a form of non verbal matching. It even applies to dress and posture.
Verbal matching: Only say things that the person will agree with(not lies, just vague truths) that cannot cause resistance. The more one matches the more trust able they appear.
Pacing and Leading: One paces or matches the expressions and emotions of the person, then after several paces they change the displayed emotion or make suggestions. The suggestions or changes are called leads.
Milton Model, or Covert Hypnosis: Hypnosis can be anything that causes fatigue or divides the critical part of a persons mind. Anything that causes a lack of concentration can result in a person being unable to resist a suggestion. Suggestions are positive in nature, and are usually not direct.
Meta Model: A method of destroying arguments using specifics against generalizations. Questions that make one question a belief. Always?, or Never? What specifically makes you feel that way? What do you like the least about this product?
Framing a topic: change the surrounding context or the description of a concept can change its meaning.
Interrupt: Interrupt can cause a trance like state because the problem, task, or communication needs to be complete to be processed, if it has enough information missing it will take up space in memory.
Anchoring: Associates an emotion with a touch or gesture. Something that occurs during the peak of a feeling will be associated with it. Classical Conditioning, but not as obvious as ringing a bell or signal.
Eye Movements: eye movements can show what part of a persons mind they are accessing during a conversation.
Embedded commands and suggestions: Describing a story with the drives of desire in them can make a person associate those with the conversation, or reflect on what someone else discussed. Using vocal tones to stress key words in a sentence.
Check some other sites on yahoo groups or Face-Book groups for more information on detailed usage.