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What makes a comedian or television show funny? Charisma and Likeability.

Anchoring and other NLP techniques can be seen on television, the easiest ones to see are the ones that comedians use to frame their content to make it funny. Every time a joke is uttered that is supposed to be funny a sound is played and laughter in the background. The tap of the drum, or laugh track. If you play most comedians, with the exception of my favorite ones, without their laugh tracks and drum sounds they are not funny. For the charisma part they avoid closed gestures speak in four or five word groups, and have confidence. They seldom look down or apologies. They make eye contact with the audience because they know that they are awesome. Other things are mentioned that remind the audience of their drives(food, sex, money, sleep, etc). The entire show often has wording and things that are said that do not directly oppose the audience. The show itself is used to hypnotize an audience, often commercials are before a conclusion of the show. The person is waiting for the other half, so they do not really evaluate the advertisements they just listen and agree.

The use of the drum and laugh tracks are anchoring, every time something is supposed to be funny the sound is played that tells viewers "this is funny". This is why NLP and community pressure make or break television persons.