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Hypnotic Inductions

How do you induce a state of hypnosis or trance?

Anything that overloads or uses memory or processing. What ever reduces the ability to come up with counter arguments.

Many of the methods used to induce hypnosis use interrupted information or actions. They cause the person to wait for the other half of the information or to finish, or at least attempt to complete a item before moving on to another. We will store incomplete data in memory.

Other methods cause fatigue. The idea is to weaken the ability to resist suggestions. If one is sleepy, sick, or drunk they will find it more difficult to argue.

Speech that has missing or out of order data will cause someone to waste effort trying to fill in the holes. A fast speech can cause a hypnotic state.

Missing data must be filled in to be processed. Illogical phrases totally unrelated to the surrounding speech or writing will destroy resistance.

Hypnosis over text:


So the use of data in web applications will often result in. The reason we need the application information is to look at it to decide the best applications.

The data that follows the missing data causes the person to move on without asking or having time to ask why data is missing.

Ask when you want something, not if.


Do you like our site yet, or will you like it later?

Arguments that follow can easily be destroyed with the meta model: Use specifics questions to attack any argument.

What do you dislike about our product the most?

You always dislike that?

You never like that feature?

So there is no possibility you would use our product?

The Meta Model uses Always? or Never? and What specifically do you dislike? and Possibility questions to destroy an argument. If possible interrupt a long objection response.

If you ask a question and do not let someone answer, it is another interrupt of pattern. Hence attacking with a list of fast questions can leave the other person wordless. After the questions keep talking. Each statement moves the person forward forcing the data to remain in memory. The person will likely start to respond with shorter responses. The fatigue becomes visible.

Use of eye focus: forcing the eyes to refocus repeatedly can cause a state of fatigue. Much like being on a long flight.

Text size and strobe signs can cause that effect.

Fast and hard to understand speech may work well also, unless they already agree with you. If they already agree, you do not need to risk upsetting the conversation.